Based in Cornwall Spindrift Furniture provides bespoke, hand crafted furniture, kitchen and bathroom solutions to suit your needs. With over 20 years experience with all materials, finishes and designs we are able to provide you with a level of service that is hard to find elsewhere in the South West.

Spindrift Kitchens and Furniture are all hand built to the highest standard. Great emphasis is placed on every detail. Timber is carefully selected ensuring the excellent quality, character and longevity of the furniture. 

Only traditional methods of manufacture and finishing are used as these have passed the test of time, including dovetail and tenon & mortise joints. By maintaining these skills, and with care, Spindrift furniture will easily stand up to the rigors of everyday life.

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If you would like any more information on our past or current projects, would like a quote or just want to find out more about how we can help you please do not hesitate to contact us.

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